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Welcome to K12 school

A school part of Banting Group

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We provided students and teachers with technology and great tools to improve the learning process.


Virtual Tour

Our Brighton campus, spanning 5000 square meters, offers an unparalleled educational environment where 50% of the area is dedicated to beautiful green spaces that promote tranquility and well-being for our students. The facilities include modern sports courts that encourage an active lifestyle, as well as spacious, well-ventilated, and well-lit classrooms that ensure an optimal learning atmosphere. 

Educational Model

At Brighton we incorporate technology into our educational proposal. We place an emphasis on collaborative learning based on the creation of knowledge using technology, as well as the development of formative skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and creativity. We focus on preparing students for the workforce and addressing real-world problems, and we teach them formative habits so they learn to learn.


For a more accessible education

Education must be accessible to all in order to guarantee personal and economic development, promote equal opportunities and contribute to sustainable development in Mexico .

What we do

We train competitive students, with a human sense and values, committed to Mexico and its community. We believe that if we train our students with formative habits, we give them a competitive advantage for the future.

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Brighton Skills

We teach skills and knowledge for future-proofing personal and professional success.

Our curriculum is carefully designed to promote formative skills  that will help our students develop their ability to learn independently and apply what they have learned in new and changing situations. These skills include the ability to plan and manage time, seek and evaluate information, solve problems, work in a team, communicate effectively, and think critically.

We also work hard on skills and competencies that will be relevant and valuable in an uncertain and changing future. These skills are those that are least likely to be automated or superseded by technology, and that are essential for adapting and thriving in a dynamic world.

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Inspiring Teachers

who are they

To be the best school, we need the best teachers. Inspirational teachers are those who have the ability to motivate and inspire their students to reach their full potential. These teachers are enthusiastic and passionate about their subject, and they pass that enthusiasm on to their students. In Brighton and Banting we surround ourselves with them


We are the first Google Reference School in Mexico

Technology helps our teachers create engaging and interactive educational content that keeps students motivated and engaged in their learning.


It also helps us assess our students' progress more accurately and efficiently, leaving us time to do what we love most: teach.

We are the first Google Reference School in Mexico.



Joop Solutions

Our group
in numbers


Schools in our group: 
2 in CDMX and 1 in QRO


Families at
Banting and Brighton


Years of experience


Educational programs
created by our group


Partner schools that use our programs


International presence

Squad Queretaro
Los Cipres 4, Santa Rosa Jaureguí,
Jriquilla Queretaro
442 456 0000
CDMX squad
Chichimecas 201,
Ajusco Coyoacan, CDMX
55 75839898

Brighton k12 school  is a registered trademark of © 2023 Banting School Training Center, SC

Brighton by Banting College
Colegio Brighton is a private, mixed school with with official incorporation in preschool, primary and secondary grades, located in Juriquilla, Querétaro. We are a diverse and inclusive community, united by the pursuit of educational excellence and the well-being of the self. We believe in affordable education and training We learn and act with integrity and purpose beyond ourselves.
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