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Elementary School

Welcome Cycle 2023

Our Brighton Elementary is student centered. Students acquire knowledge in areas such as mathematics, science, language and communication, social and humanities, physical education, art, and technology.


We also teach critical thinking skills, problem solving, teamwork, and civic and ethical values. In addition, students develop their ability to read, write, and understand complex texts, as well as research, oral, and written expression skills.


Primary education in Brighton provides a solid foundation for future learning and the all-round development of students.

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Developing formative skills for academic, personal and professional success.

Para el éxito personal académico y profesional

At Brighton we help our students reach their potential by developing their ability to learn independently and apply what they have learned in new and changing situations.


Our focus on formative skills include the ability to plan and manage time, seek and evaluate information, solve problems, work in a team, communicate effectively, and think critically.

Preparing students for the future

We teach them future-proof skills and knowledge.

Our elementary students learn foundational skills like reading, writing, and math. They also develop critical thinking and problem solving skills. We also place an emphasis on communication and collaboration skills, which we believe are essential for success in today's and tomorrow's world of work. Our elementary students are also learning technology skills, as the use of technology will continue to become more and more important in life and work.

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Future-proof knowledge at Brighton Primary

At Brighton we expect that certain knowledge is required to be able to adapt to the changes and challenges in the highly dynamic world of work.

1. Knowledge of technology and science:for example in areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics, biotechnology and cybersecurity, as well as knowledge in environmental sciences and sustainability. Our program

2. Knowledge of economics and business: for example, in areas such as the global economy, trade, management and business strategy. Our entrepreneurship and finance program that is taught from first grade to ninth grade helps to acquire this knowledge.

Skills in communication and leadership:Knowledge of how to communicate effectively and lead work teams in an increasingly interconnected world. Our read and produce program that is taught in grades one through nine helps them communicate effectively.

Knowledge in soft skills:for example in areas such as empathy, conflict resolution, critical thinking and creativity.

Knowledge of culture and diversity:for example with knowledge about different cultures, languages and ways of thinking to be able to work and collaborate effectively with people from different backgrounds and cultures.

At Brighton we know that the knowledge of the future is not static and is constantly evolving, so our programs are flexible and adapt to be ready for future changes and challenges.

Future proof skills

Skills, on the other hand, refer to the practical and applied ability to use that knowledge in specific situations to perform a task or solve a problem. We present the skills that we consider necessary to give them competitiveness in the future.

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Digital Skills

Devices to each student to boost their digital skills.

Our students are constantly exposed to technology at school. They learn in a fun and exciting way, since they have access to powerful devices that allow them to learn through  programming, graphic design, video editing, collaborative document creation, and dynamic and online work. team with other teammates.

Real problems with real solutions in their classes. 

We teach critical thinking to primary school students with a comprehensive approach that includes hands-on activities, discussion and debate, research, analysis and reasoning skills; we encourage reflection and consideration of multiple perspectives.

Our teachers teach to critically evaluate information so that the student understands the root of the problem before addressing it.

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Critical thinking and problem solving

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Communication and collaboration skills


The ability to work in a team and communicate effectively is important now, and will continue to be essential in the workplace of tomorrow.


At Brighton we provide opportunities to work on collaborative projects and present their findings: It is important that students have the opportunity to present their ideas and work. When we provide spaces for our students to present their ideas and work, we help them to develop their communication and collaboration skills.

We encourage emotional self-awareness

We teach emotional and leadership skills to our elementary students with a holistic approach that includes hands-on activities, discussions, and modeling, and that fosters emotional self-awareness, empathy, teamwork, self-confidence, and positive values.


At Brighton Elementary we teach students to recognize and regulate their emotions. This will help them develop emotional self-awareness, and this gives us the opportunity  to include guided discussion activities to encourage active listening, respect and peaceful conflict resolution.

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Emotional and leadership skills 


Creative thinking skills

In Brighton we encourage divergent thinking

We teach creative thinking skills to elementary school students with a comprehensive approach that includes hands-on activities, games, teamwork, and a learning environment that encourages exploration, curiosity, experimentation, and appreciation of diversity.


Our teachers use their own creative thinking and problem solving skills as models to teach students creative thinking and problem solving. Our teachers teach students techniques to generate original ideas and solutions, such as lateral thinking and synthesis; As they use these techniques, teachers encourage their students to explore, experiment and ask questions, which will help them develop their creativity.

Squad Queretaro
Los Cipres 4, Santa Rosa Jaureguí,
Jriquilla Queretaro
442 456 0000
CDMX squad
Chichimecas 201,
Ajusco Coyoacan, CDMX
55 75839898

Brighton k12 school  is a registered trademark of © 2023 Banting School Training Center, SC


Brighton by Banting College
Colegio Brighton is a private, mixed school with with official incorporation in preschool, primary and secondary grades, located in Juriquilla, Querétaro. We are a diverse and inclusive community, united by the pursuit of educational excellence and the well-being of the self. We believe in affordable education and training We learn and act with integrity and purpose beyond ourselves.
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